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Become a Sponsor

Plans are underway for the 2024 Randolph County 4-H and FFA Youth Fair! This year the fair is scheduled for July 13-21, 2024 to be held at the Moberly Motorsports Park Raceway.


Our county’s youth work hard year-round on their 4-H and FFA projects. Their projects are exhibited throughout fair week. The youth look forward to “fair week” and they have you to thank for a successful event, as it takes sponsors such as yourself to rent the facility and purchase supplies needed.


There are several fair sponsorship levels to choose from and they include numerous benefits in addition to helping the youth of Randolph County. Attached is the list of sponsorship levels and a short description to help you choose the level that is right for you. We would love to add you to our list of sponsors. If you have any questions, please give one of the following a call!


Melissa Boots 660-651-6699

Kelly Sharp 573-489-4042


To ensure that you are added to all the publications and advertising for the fair, please have your sponsorship sent by May 31, 2024.


The Randolph County Fair Board along with the 4-H and FFA youth, appreciate your generosity and support. Without the commitment from our community, the task of organizing this event, showcasing our youth’s achievements and hard work would be impossible. Your contribution will ensure an outstanding 2024 Randolph County Fair.


Sponsorship checks can be made payable to: Randolph County Fair and sent to

Randolph County Fair, PO Box 235, Moberly MO 65270.



Best Regards,

Randolph County Fair Board


PO Box 235 Moberly, MO 65270

© 2024 by Randolph County Fair Board.


For more information about the fair, feel free to contact us.

Thanks for submitting!

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